What Is JavaScript ? Understanding JavaScript For Beginners

Hello, Guys.

Welcome to CodeWithWebDev's blog. 

In this blog, we will talk about JavaScript from the ground up. If you don't know anything about JavaScript this blog is surely helpful to you. If you know so & so about JavaScript then at the end of this blog you will know plenty.

So let's get started.

Topics Covered In today's blog: 

# What is JavaScript?

# Why Use JavaScript? 

# Features

# Learning JavaScript

# Job Opportunities

# Where is JavaScript Used?


# What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is the language that powers the Web. It is a client-side scripting language & also a programming language. It is cross-platform i.e it works on any operating system and any platform. It is used to create dynamic sites and web applications. It adds functionality to our site that we cannot add using plain old HTML & CSS.


Before JavaScript was invented there were static websites that had 0 functionality and did not work. The most used web browser at the time was Netscape and all the sites were made using HTML & CSS, the developers at Netscape wanted to do more, so they worked with Brendan Eich to develop a language that could do more work.
Brendan Eich developed JavaScript within 10 days for Netscape Navigator.

When It was created it was not called JavaScript, the developers at Netscape called it Mocha then Mona, and then LiveScript. It became famous very quickly and everyone wanted a piece of it, people at Microsoft developed their own version and called it JScript. During that time the world of Java was very hot, so then LiveScript was named JavaScript because of how famous Java was during that time. But Java & JavaScript are not similar and it is called JavaScript because during the 90's Java was very famous and anything that had Java became famous. So it was a marketing tactic.

# ECMA JavaScript

It is called ECMAScript or ECMA JavaScript. ECMA stands for Europen Computer Manufacturers Association. When JavaScript became very famous it was submitted to international standards scripting language body ECMA. So it was called ECMAScript, which is also responsible for handling and developing JavaScript.

#Latest Version

The latest version of JavaScript is ECMAScript 2016 or ES7. ECMAScript is a Standard for scripting languages such as JavaScript, JScript, etc. It is a trademark scripting language specification. JavaScript is a language based on ECMAScript. A standard for scripting languages like JavaScript, JScript is ECMAScript. JavaScript is considered one of the most popular implementations of ECMAScript.

#Why use JavaScript?

As I also said earlier JavaScript is the language that powers the web. JavaScript converts our normal & boring web pages into interactive and dynamic websites & web applications. 
Initially, JavaScript was created just for front-end development but today it is used in almost everything ranging from web development to machine learning. JavaScript Frameworks make everything possible such as

React JS
Node JS
Express JS
Tensor Flow, and many more.

Aside from this JavaScript powers 92% of websites on the Web. It is the only programming language that is native to the web browser
It is easy to learn.
It provides cross-platform support.
We can develop Web/Mobile Applications.
Learning JavaScript will never go to waste because it keeps evolving and once learned will always be helpful and provides good career options.



  • It is very fast because it runs on the browser itself and does not require much
  • It is easy to learn & implement
  • It has a good community support
  • It is very popular and many resources are available to learn it 
  • Works well with other languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.


  • It is not that secure as the code compiles on the user's computer itself. 
  • All the browsers do not support JavaScript and they interpret it according to themselves so this can cause a problem sometimes.

#Platform to Learn JavaScript

You can learn JavaScript from many different places. Here we will discuss a few places where you can learn it for free as well as paid.


1. W3Schools

2. MDN Web Docs

3. YouTube

4. CodeCademy


1. Udemy

2. Coursera

# Job Opportunities

With JavaScript, you have so many career options, as you know it ranges from web development to app development to Machine Learning.
A few career options are:
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Web Designer
  • UX Designer
  • DevOps Engineer, etc.

# Where JavaScript is used?

As you know now that 92% of the websites are powered by JavaScript. JavaScript is used in android applications also using React Native. Now we'll see a few top companies using JavaScript in their day-to-day functioning.
  • Google (YouTube)
  • Microsoft (Edge Browser)
  • Paypal (Front-End)
  • Netflix  (Everything)
  • Facebook
  • Uber
  • LinkedIn, etc.


This article was just about what JavaScript is and not about the JavaScript language itself. I have given all the insights you need to know before starting to learn a language. If you want a career in Web Development JavaScript is a must-know language, once you learn JavaScript you can move ahead with learning its frameworks & libraries. The demand for JavaScript developers are increasing day by day more and more companies are recruiting, JavaScript is now in every field so the demand is also increasing. There are also many other ways in which you can get hired or earn money by learning JavaScript.

Thanks a lot for keeping calm and reading this.
You know what to do and how to proceed.
You can contact me in case of any doubt or if you need assistance.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

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